10 things not to do on a first date!
The time has come, after scouring online dating websites you finally get a first date with someone, they like your profile now you need to make sure they actually like you as a person, and first impressions mean everything. So below is a list of what not to do on your first date.
1. Punctuality, don’t be late for your first date, no one likes to wait around especially if you’re meeting in a restaurant or bar, being punctual not only shows that you are considerate but also shows you are reliable to.
2. Appearances, you need to make sure that you look smart on your first date you don’t want to look like you have just rolled out of bed, or that you have come in fancy dress, make sure you also dress appropriately for where you will be going on your date, if it’s a fancy black tie restaurant likelihood is they won’t let you in if you’re wearing jeans and a t-shirt.
3. The date, you need to keep the first date as simple as possible don’t go to over the top with flowers, personal music, or fireworks! The best first dates are the simplest, where you start to get to know the person, some people can be scared off by someone who tries to impress too much.
4. Conversation, a big no, no on a first date is talking about yourself the whole night, you are both there to get to know each other, so hogging the conversation about yourself is likely to put off your date, ask them questions and involve them in discussions and do not brag about yourself. Also stay clear of talking about ex partners no one needs to hear your past relationships and why the failed on the first date!
5. Be yourself, don’t pretend to be someone you’re not you will always get found out in the long run, whether it’s a small white lie or you over exaggerate on something the likelihood is if you continue dating the will notice what you told them on the first date was just a lie. Tell the truth about yourself and if they don’t like it you’re probably not meant to be.
6. Drink, you probably think this is a given but some people still end up doing it, and that is getting drunk on a first date, a couple of drinks to lighten the mood are okay but drinking to excess is not. Been sick in the bathroom while they are waiting for you is not a big turn on and neither helping you stagger out of a restaurant.
7. Be courteous, never, never spend time on your date on your mobile, whether you take a call, txt or update your social networking status, its rude and looks like you’re not interested. If you have to take an important call excuse yourself from the table and apologise before taking a call.
8. Confidence, lacking confidence can be a real turnoff on a first date, if your nervous don’t show it by being fidgety and disinterred, instead be confident about being on a date with this person, smile laugh and make eye contact, if you believe in yourself they will believe in you.
9. Opinion, if you think the restaurant is too over priced for what they serve don’t moan or complain about it, keep opinions to yourself same with anything else you see none likes a serial complainer.
10. The bill, this area can be quite hard to negotiate, do you split it or does the guy pay for it? If you ordered the most expensive things on the menu then you shouldn’t then expect the other person to pay for it all unless they offered and are happy to and don’t make a big deal about it otherwise you may put the other person off.
Any first date will be a bit awkward as is dating in general until you get to know the person, don’t try to push something that’s not meant to be, you can sometimes read this from the other persons speech and body language so if there’s no spark or signals leave it at that and don’t push for another date.